Prime Minister General Prayuth Addresses the JFCCT and Foreign Investment Community

Desmond Hughes, Senior Partner, attended Prime Minister General Prayuth’s address to the Joint Foreign Chamber of Commerce, representative chambers, business chambers and the foreign investment community today at the Crystal Hall in the Plaza Athenee Hotel, Bangkok.

The presentation covered the continuing work that the current government is carrying out to improve Thailand’s economic status now and in the medium to long term. PM Gen. Prayuth discussed measures to improve agricultural based companies; but also the service sector.

In relation to foreign investor’s priorities, PM Gen Prayuth provided assurances that

1. The Services section of the Foreign Business Act would not be affected by any changes proposed or potential new legislation

2. That there will be better work permit procedures in place in particular in relation to companies that locate their International Head Quarters in Thailand, but also across the board generally in relation to such procedures

3. That measures will be taken to stimulate foreign investment including reducing corruption, in which clear successes have already been made and reported upon

The sentiment of the presentation was very pro-foreign investment and it was good to hear directly from PM General Prayuth his views and beliefs, and obvious passion for the Kingdom of Thailand.

The entire foreign investment community will be relieved to see any of these measures put into practice.